5 Ways to Holistically Care for Your Pet’s Health

Our pets rely on us to take proper care of them. Since many of us need guidance on what that care should be, we turn to a veterinary

Our pets rely on us to take proper care of them. Since many of us need guidance on what that care should be, we turn to a veterinary doctor for advice. A vet will give great advice on just how to care properly for our pets, but there’s also a broader approach that you can try, too: holistic healthcare.  

This is an approach to healthcare that focuses on your pet’s health in a way that is a bit different than traditional vet care and even a general understanding of care. It’s growing in popularity as more people start educating themselves on the best way to care for their pets.

What is holistic health care for your pet?

Holistic health care means that your entire dog’s environment is cared for. Instead of just prioritizing their medical health, you also care for their mental and spiritual health (i.e., emotional) and all aspects of their physical health. In treating an animal, a holistic veterinarian will consider a combination of both conventional and alternative (or complementary) therapies.  

Holistic healthcare may often get pushed aside with a scoff since many people believe it’s too unorthodox or scattered to make much difference. However, it may actually be a beneficial approach to health.

From humans to animals, this approach can offer a lot of relief to those searching for a way to offer the right kind of care. If all areas are not properly cared for, the pet can’t be in the best health possible, right?  

Top ways to care for your pet’s health holistically

To help you better understand how to care for your pet’s holistic health, it’s best to really get into what it means, looks like, and feels like on a day-to-day basis. What we think you’ll find is that it’s actually very practical and is a great way to understand just how special and possible it is to take such a detailed approach to pet health.  Here are 5 fun facts to start with for your pet’s health.


We all know that feeding our pets a healthy diet is crucial to ensure that we take proper care of their nutrition. However, not all dogs benefit from the same type of food, and some dogs may tolerate soft food better than hard food, etc. Take the time to understand what your dog actually enjoys for their food.

Some dogs like different diets — for example, some enjoy soft food diets, and others prefer large kibbles of hard food. Understanding your pet’s preferences also means that you’re going to be able to better give them a diet that they can stick to. This can be as important as the nutritional content, particularly for dogs that are predisposed to certain kinds of health conditions. 

Some sources of advice may suggest raw food diets — be aware that this can be quite controversial! 

Bottom line – ask your veterinary doctor what they recommend for your pet’s diet choices!

Lastly, portions. Not all dogs will eat the same amount even if they are the same size. Some prefer small spread-out meals and others enjoy large portions at designated times. How they eat can be as important as what they eat!


Pets need exercise that helps get their physical body moving but also stretches their joints and prioritizes muscle development. It can be hard to figure out how to do that because so many people simply stick to taking walks. Pets often enjoy play sessions much more, and you can get great play tools and even game ideas that will help you encourage them to move and work out various parts of their body (and their minds too!).

Exercise and movement are great for dogs and their mental health, too, since they can stimulate their minds and help them curb anxiety and more. It can even be a great bonding exercise both with humans and other pets!  

Cats love exercise as much as dogs, so try them out in a catio (a patio for cats!) or even a leash and harness if you want. If not, there are many toys you can play with in the house with them, that can give them the same benefits and exercise they need!

Dental hygiene

Dental health is directly related to general health and especially dietary health. You need to prioritize their dental hygiene so that they don’t deal with broken teeth, gum infections, and more. This also helps ensure that they can eat properly and also play with toys normally.

This is often one of the most neglected parts of holistic health, and it’s a shame for your pet’s general comfort as well as an overall approach to helping them be their strongest selves. Poor dental hygiene can lead to bacteria entering the bloodstream and spreading to damage other organs.

Gut health

Many pets are predisposed to poor gut health. This leads to indigestion, obesity, and even long-term dietary health issues. If you want to help them keep their naturally sensitive stomachs as strong as possible, a priority will be probiotics and a gentle, gut-friendly diet.  

By taking charge of gut health on a larger level, you’ll be able to also take care of your pet’s need for a strong digestive system and a better tolerance to food.  It seems so basic, but the right approach to balanced care can be surprisingly basic.  We just need to focus on it since our pets rely on us to take proper care of them. Advice from your veterinary doctor can help you choose the right food for your pet, but many of us never think to ask about that when we see the vet.

Perhaps you can already see how this is adding up to a great holistic approach since you can see how it all connects together!

Lots of love

Finally, your pet is going to benefit greatly by having plenty of love and attention. This helps them feel loved, safe, secure, and calm. It also helps them understand their bond with you. Many animals are naturally pack animals, so this is helpful when you are looking for a way to give them all of the assurance possible!

A focused approach to healthcare is great for targeted problems, but a holistic approach is also going to offer you and your pet the best chance at keeping every part of them and their health in full force for as long as possible. This means a better overall approach to long-term health and, ultimately, more happy years with your furry friend!