(some names and photos have been changed to protect privacy)
ACTSS and TOH team together to help “Jessie” beat cancer

“Jessie”, an 8 year old male Shihtzu dog, had just had a grooming in the summer when his owner noticed a lump on his front leg. He immediately took Jessie to Town Centre Veterinary Hospital, Edmonton (TCVH) where they took a small cell sample and had it analyzed. The results came back as a type of cancer and removal of the lump was recommended to prevent it from spreading elsewhere.
Jessie’s owner was very concerned about the diagnosis of cancer. He was a senior on guaranteed income supplement and had limited funds. When Megan, one of the Animal Health Technologists (AHT), found out that the surgery might not be possible, the clinic staff sprang into action. They contacted Tails of Help and Jessie’s owner was eligible for partial funding. They also contacted the Animal Cancer Therapy Subsidization Society (ACTSS) and found the surgery could be funded partially there also.
Between these two wonderful charities, Jessie’s owner was able to have the surgery done on his dog. He said “(It) was easy to fill out the forms. The technologists helped me with it”. We asked how Jessie did with the surgery. “Great, no problem, can’t even see the scar on Jessie’s leg.”
The test results for the tumor removed from Jessie’s leg showed that it was a Spindle cell tumor. His prognosis was good since there was complete removal of the tumor.

A few weeks later Jessie came to Town Centre Veterinary Hospital for his photo shoot for Tails of Help. His owner had Jessie clipped and groomed the day before the big event and Jessie really looked at his best. Dr Niran Sabanathan, a veterinarian at TCVH and an avid photographer, was there to take the photos of Jessie along with Ana, an AHT and now photo shoot assistant. Jessie was a little nervous at first but then he warmed up with the help of a few liver treats from Ana.
Jessie’s owner was very happy that charities such as Tails of Help and ACTSS exist to help people like him. “Jessie is my best friend. I would be lost without him.”