Health Tips

Tips to keep pets healthy and with their loving families.
Adding a furry family member? If so, you’ll want to think carefully about where that furry family member comes from! You’ll have a few options for your choice, including a rescue facility, a pet shop, or a breeder. Are you seriously considering a rescue animal? There are pros and cons to this decision. Here are the ones to think about most!
You love your dog, and you love your plants. But did you know that it may not be safe to have both in the same household? There are many plants and flowers that are dangerous to your dog and cat, and it could mean a recipe for disaster if your pet gets involved with a plant that they shouldn’t. Are you interested in understanding a little more about what’s safe and what’s not? Take a look at the tips below!
Getting your dog microchipped is a great idea to help you know that a Good Samaritan, rescue shelter, or vet can help get your dog back to you if they should be picked up on your dog’s unauthorized adventure. However, that microchip information is only good if it’s accurate! Have you moved? Here’s what you need to know in order to update your dog’s microchip information!
There are so many hard-working professional dogs these days. These canines have hard jobs that are absolutely essential for many people’s health and wellbeing. Working dogs go through rigorous screening, training exercises and programs to help them become the professionals that we see around us all the time. What is the difference between a therapy animal and an emotional support animal? There are quite a few differentiations that you’ll find fascinating!
Lyme disease is a significant risk this year as in other years, and it can be a serious health problem for your dog. Understanding what it is and how you can prevent it will help you enjoy your summer with your furry friend and make sure that you don’t head home with any kind of accidental hitchhikers. While it isn’t realistic to think that your dog will never come in contact with a tick, there are a lot of things that you can do to minimize your dog’s risk. Below, we’ll cover 5 different ways to prevent Lyme disease from ticks in your pet and what to do if you find a tick!
What is heartworm disease? This is a parasite that infects dogs in its larval (immature) form through a mosquito bite. The larvae travel through your dog’s bloodstream and

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