COVID-19 and Pets – Responsible Ownership

COVID-19 and Pets – Responsible Ownership In these unprecedented and challenging times, many people are greatly impacted by the negative effects of isolation. Pets provide us the ability to combat a portion of the loneliness

Edmonton Humane Society and Tails of Help Launch Pilot Project to Keep Pets with their Families

We’re thrilled to announce today that we (Edmonton Humane Society) have joined forces with Tails of Help, another local charity, to launch a new pilot project that aims to reduce surrenders of sick and injured pets when their guardians face financial hardship. The goal during this pilot is to help one family per month receive essential veterinary care for their pet due to unexpected, one-time incidents so that they can keep their pet in their home.

What Foods Can Pets Safely Eat?

Whether you are eating dinner at the table or munching on a snack while sitting on the couch, it will inevitably happen. Your furry friend will look at you with those sweet and gentle eyes hoping to get a peck at whatever you’re snacking on – or maybe you just prefer to add whole foods to your pet’s food dish. Whatever the case, it is essential to know which foods you and your companion can both enjoy and which ones you shouldn’t share.

Even if you find a certain kind of food to be healthy and delicious, the truth is that our pets’ bodies are not the same as ours. Some of the foods that nourish and delight humans can be harmful and, in some cases, incredibly harmful for your pet to digest. While you are unlikely to toss a chip or piece of fruit into your fish tank, humans tend to share their food with pets that are more present in our environments – cats, dogs, rabbits, etc.

So, which foods do you need to keep far away from your furry friend? Let’s find out!

3 Things You Should Know Before You Adopt a Puppy

Welcoming a new puppy into your home is an exciting and rewarding experience. After all, you
are growing your family! While puppies bring an insurmountable amount of joy and love into
your home, there are a few things that you should think about before bringing your new furry
friend home. With a little preparation and consideration, the process of adopting a puppy will
be much less overwhelming.

How to Know If Your Pet Has Allergies

An allergy is a condition in which the immune system overreacts or becomes hypersensitive to a specific substance known as an allergen. The proteins found in plants, insects, animals, or foods are the most common allergies.

Much like in humans, animals’ immune systems become sensitized to the allergen after many exposures over months to years, and subsequent exposure to the same or related allergen induces an over-reaction. The immune system normally defends from infection and disease, but in the case of allergies, the immune reaction can damage the body. Allergies might be viewed as a pointless immunological reaction to a harmless foreign substance.

Because your pet can’t communicate how they are feeling, it is up to you to determine whether they may be suffering from allergies. While this may be more difficult, it is certainly not impossible. Here are six signs you should look out for to determine if your pet has allergies.

What to Do When You Suspect Animal Cruelty

Animal cruelty is undoubtedly one of the worst forms of violence, and witnessing it first-hand can be a scary and confusing experience. While you may be unsure of how to respond if you suspect or witness cruelty towards an animal, failure to act only results in the continuation of the abuse. If you suspect animal cruelty, here are the first steps you should take.

Pet First Aid Tips Every Dog and Cat Owner Should Know

Your pet is your life, and that means that you will do whatever it takes to help care for them, whatever those needs might turn out to be. What about a situation where your pet needs first aid? Are you familiar with the basics of how to help your pet get critical care? Or how to spot that they need it?

Below, we’ll cover basic first aid tips for dogs and cats and also some information on how to recognize when your pet is in need of help! Consider this your crash course on how to learn basic first aid care for your pet. Let’s get started.

5 Ways to Prevent Lyme Disease in Your Pet This Summer

Lyme disease is a significant risk this year as in other years, and it can be a serious health problem for your dog. Understanding what it is and how you can prevent it will help you enjoy your summer with your furry friend and make sure that you don’t head home with any kind of accidental hitchhikers.

While it isn’t realistic to think that your dog will never come in contact with a tick, there are a lot of things that you can do to minimize your dog’s risk. Below, we’ll cover 5 different ways to prevent Lyme disease from ticks in your pet and what to do if you find a tick!

What’s the Difference Between a Therapy Animal and an Emotional Support Animal?

There are so many hard-working professional dogs these days. These canines have hard jobs that are absolutely essential for many people’s health and wellbeing. Working dogs go through rigorous screening, training exercises and programs to help them become the professionals that we see around us all the time.

What is the difference between a therapy animal and an emotional support animal? There are quite a few differentiations that you’ll find fascinating!