How to Update Your Pet’s Chip When You Move

Getting your dog microchipped is a great idea to help you know that a Good Samaritan, rescue shelter, or vet can help get your dog back to you if they should be picked up on your dog’s unauthorized adventure. However, that microchip information is only good if it’s accurate! Have you moved? Here’s what you need to know in order to update your dog’s microchip information!

Which Plants and Flowers Are Safe to Have Around Pets?

You love your dog, and you love your plants. But did you know that it may not be safe to have both in the same household? There are many plants and flowers that are dangerous to your dog and cat, and it could mean a recipe for disaster if your pet gets involved with a plant that they shouldn’t. Are you interested in understanding a little more about what’s safe and what’s not? Take a look at the tips below!

7 Pros and Cons of Adopting a Rescue Animal

Adding a furry family member? If so, you’ll want to think carefully about where that furry family member comes from! You’ll have a few options for your choice, including a rescue facility, a pet shop, or a breeder. Are you seriously considering a rescue animal? There are pros and cons to this decision. Here are the ones to think about most!

6 Common Causes of Dog Skin Conditions Like Rashes and Sores

Your dog’s skin is vulnerable to all sorts of skin conditions, including rashes, sores, and scabs. Do you know how to protect against them? Do you know how to identify potential causes of dog skin conditions? Understanding how they connect to your dog’s greater health is important to protecting that sensitive skin! Take a look below at the 6 most common causes of dog skin conditions.

How to Introduce Your New Cat to Your Pet Family

Congratulations, you’ve just brought a new cat into your pet family! It’s a big deal and is going to be a wonderful new addition to your world. However, the integration process can sometimes be a little…intense. If you’re looking for some support and help, you’ll want to look at the idea of the introduction as the first step to a good relationship. As such, you’ll want to take the proper time to do it right for everyone’s benefit.

What to Do in a Pet Health Emergency

When humans have a medical or health emergency, most of us just call emergency services. But what about our pets? What should we do if our pets are in a medical emergency and require intervention? Here are some of the most important tips that pet parents should know when looking at the idea of making sure that they are always prepared in the event that their pet may have a health or medical emergency!

Why Isn’t My Cat Using the Litter Box?

As most pet parents of cats will tell you, cats make up their own rules — no matter how illogical or strange they seem to us humans. Cats simply do what they want. So, we work hard to give our cats everything they want for a fulfilled life: plenty of toys, a water fountain, a clean pile of laundry, and a beautiful, carefully chosen litter box. And then your little feline has the audacity to poop on the floor and leave you to clean it up! So what’s up with this!?

Are Air Fresheners Safe to Have Around Pets?

The importance of keeping your dogs safe can’t be overstated. You need to always ensure that you are doing whatever you can to help them stay out of trouble. You may already know that a lot of chemical items are dangerous for them, but what about air fresheners? Here’s what you should know about their chemicals, the potential harm they can cause, and what to do about it.

How to Protect Your Pet in Case of a Fire

When your house is on fire, the last thing that you want to worry about is finding and wrangling your pets together to get out. However, this is often a reality, since many pets will run and hide or otherwise make it very difficult for pet parents to get hold of them. While there is no way to be sure to guarantee safe extraction from your home in case of a fire, you can certainly take steps to help protect your pet. These preparations can be equally useful for a fire, flood, tornado, any emergency where evacuating your home may be necessary. Here is what you can do!

What to Do If You Lose Your Pet (And How to Prevent Losing Your Pet)?

When you bring your furry friend into your household as a new addition, you are doing so with the understandable assumption that they’ll be with you until their final days of life in the future. However, part of achieving that goal is going to be literally having them in your house. Lost pets are a too-common reality for many well-intentioned families, but a pet on the loose doesn’t have to be an on-going problem! Here’s what to do if you lose your pet and how to prevent losing them in the future!